A bad case of Stripes
By David Shannon
This is a story about a girl who likes Lima Beans, but was afraid to eat it because her friends will think she is strange, she wants to be one of them. One day she wakes up with stripes all over her body, she went to the doctor but the doctor told her she was fine to go to school. She was laughed at and teased at school by her classmates and her teacher sent her home because she thinks she is contagious. She turns in to things that she sees or thinks, she became a pill, she had roots, she became a crystal and many more. One day she met an old lady, that lady told her to eat the lima beans, She was hesitant about it but it is the only cure for her to be human again. In the end, she eats the lima beans and her friends thinks that she is weird for liking them. The lesson of this story is that it is okay to be different, as long as you are happy with yourself.