Academic Integrity Policy

Academic Integrity Policy

HCHS Mission Statement

Hope Christian High School is a non-stock, non-profit, Evangelical church-related educational institution that aims to train and transform its students through Academic Development, Spiritual Formation, Personal Enrichment, and Social Awareness.

Guided by its vision, Hope Christian High School seeks to inspire its reflective learning community to acknowledge God’s love, obey God’s law, develop the self, and contribute to global society.

It’s also set to carry out her mission of being committed to continually provide world-class Christian education relevant to the changes and challenges of the times for the glory of God.

IB Mission Statement

The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.

These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

Academic Integrity Policy

The International Baccalaureate Organization describes academic integrity as the “foundation for ethical decision-making in the production of legitimate, authentic and honest scholarly work” and defines it as “a choice to act in a responsible way whereby others can have trust in us as individuals.” (IBO, 2023)

Hope Christian High School develops this Academic Integration Policy for several purposes.  This policy governs the behavior and the decisions of those involved in the production of authentic and honest academic work.   It further defines  the principles governing academic work,  the responsibilities of members of the academic community in producing authentic and scholarly academic work, and  the processes in preventing and managing  academic misconduct.  Most important of all, it hopes to instill the academic community’s confidence and trust in the institution as it develops the student’s ability to govern the school’s academic community’s decisions related to academic integrity.

This policy covers the following:

  1. Principles that guide the school, its teachers, support staff, and students
  1. Obligations, expectations, and responsibilities of each member of the academic community
  1. Structures and strategies to ensure ethical behavior of honest and authentic academic work such as research, use of technology, and assessment.

Guiding Principles


The school commits to implementing the practices, processes, and approaches to learning and teaching as described in its programs that allow students to build and construct knowledge,  apply their own understanding in real-life contexts, and communicate the same in the production of academic and scholarly work.


Valid and accurate description and assessment of a student’s own level of achievement  create credibility of the school’s program effectiveness.  Such credible assessment, in turn, builds trust in the institution’s ability to provide meaningful and effective academic programs.

Respect and Honesty

Knowledgeable and creative students submit academic products of their own independent work, understanding that their work leads to and reflects their own development as a learner and producer of academic output.

Students understand that in the process of developing their own conceptual understanding, they also build upon the work of others, and acknowledging the work of others is essential in doing authentic research work.  It exhibits respect for the work of others and honesty in completing their own academic work.

Academic Community Responsibilities

School Administration

The school implements programs, structures, and procedures that support the Academic Integrity Policy and promotes authentic learning and adherence to its principles and minimize violations of the Academic Integrity Policy:

  1. Implement explicit school and IB guidelines in the safekeeping and administration of assessment materials and tools during summative assessment performance tasks and e-assessments.
  1. Provide for or require the following practices and structures:
  1. Clear definitions and descriptions of academic integrity responsibilities and guidelines including consequences for infractions of the academic integrity policy.
  1. School calendar that optimizes time to accomplish schoolwork and provides preparation for summative assessments and Term Tests.
  1. Time-management workshops during homeroom to manage student workload.
  1. Originality assurance checks or on-line application to determine originality of student as part of the systems and structures for authentic student work.
  1. Structures such as turning in devices and turning off on-line information access to ensure authentic assessments. 
  1. Procedures to manage academic misconduct to ensure  due process.
  1. Communicate academic integrity policy and its importance through 
  2. Orientation of school community including teachers, support staff, parents and guardians
  1. Academic honesty pledges during the admission and assessment process
  1. Review academic integrity policy in accordance with IB and international practices. 

Teacher and Non-Teaching Staff

Teachers are at the forefront in the implementation of the Academic Integrity Policy especially in the proper administration of assessment and in preventing violations of this policy.  The following three expectations and suggestions have been taken from pages 12 and 13 of the IB Academic Integrity Policy:

  1. Adhere to school academic integrity policy and IB subject guidelines, rules, and regulations “particularly regarding the level of teacher support deemed acceptable when providing student support” and understand that students should produce work independently or on their own.
  1. Emphasize that the purpose of education is not merely to earn a high grade but “acquire knowledge and to develop skills for the future.”
  1. Understand that students engage in academic dishonesty due to various reasons such as lack of understanding of the purpose of education in general and the academic integrity policy in particular, lack of preparation and skills particularly research and time management skills, ease of access to on-line information, tutorial and editing services, pressure to get high grades, and others.

Specifically, using the above guidelines to promote academic integrity and the development of academic skills including those of time-management, teachers are expected to implement the following:

  1. Provide a syllabus with a schedule of assignments, summative performance tasks, and required term tests.
  1. Provide ample time and support that students need in creating action plans for medium-term assignments such as scientific investigation and sociological research to ensure completion of projects within reasonable periods of time.
  1. Explicitly teach research skills such as note-taking, summarizing, paraphrasing, and citing references following international formats such as the APA Publication Manual.
  1. Require and follow a process, e.g. project or journal log,  involved in the production of academic work such as art and design works, written or oral reports, and other projects that include researching, annotating, organizing, and outlining, etc.  

Providing clear guidelines and specific feedback for the completion of such work allows for the authentic production of work.

Requiring the use of a planner or a journal and/or following a process with specific output from each step in the completion of a project prevents the submission of work from Artificial Intelligence application.

  1. Use formative assessment practices and tools to provide feedforward for instructional decisions and feedback for students to help them focus on areas of improvement.
  1. Define individual output in group work that has to be done independently of other members of the group.
  1. Require Academic Integrity Pledges for projects requiring out-of-classroom work.
  1. Use quality assurance checkers for originality of work.
  1. Ensure the lack of access to internet and devices during tests and arrange the classroom set-up to prevent the possibility of collusion.
  1. Keep three years of student summative assessment work for references of copying or plagiarism.


  1. Provide student orientation on the research tasks and individual support to access print and online resources for research projects such as the MYP Personal Project.
  1. Provide reference materials for research assignments and training that includes  identifying credible sources, proper documentation, and in-text and end-of-text citation of references.
  1. Collaborate and provide support to classroom teachers in identifying resources for class research and the Personal Project.

Guidance Counselors

  1. Provide students with training in time-management to allocate time for various subject requirements including long-term projects such as the Personal Project and Action as Service activities.

Parents and Legal Guardians

  1. Understand the general purpose of the following:
  2. The various programs and components of the Middle Years Programme, the learning process allows their children to focus on the development and practical application of concepts and skills.
  1. The summative assessment should produce only the student’s own unique and independent work without the assistance of outside help.
  1. Academic integrity fosters academic development, and academic misconduct has consequences.
  1. Support their children in the implementation of learning tasks by 
  2. reinforcing the principles and importance of the process of learning.
  1. providing a conducive learning space and time for the completion of tasks. 
  1. allowing their children to develop within their zone of proximal development and complete tasks at home on their own and abstain from giving undue assistance to their children.
  1. As recommended by IB, actively participating in updating and disseminating the principles and practices of academic integrity.


  1. Understand the following general purposes and guidelines of learning:
  1. With the school’s various programs including the Middle Year Programme, the learning processes and tasks allow them to develop concepts and skills.
  1. Summative assessment tasks are carefully designed and administered to ensure independent and honest work without the use of any outside help.
  1. Not participating in the process of learning puts them at risk of not meeting learning expectations of knowledge, skills, and ability to apply them in meaningful contexts.
  1. Academic integrity fosters academic development, and academic misconduct has consequences.
  1. Practice the principles of academic integrity, e.g.  responsibility, credibility, trust, and honesty; and develop the IB student profile of becoming  a knowledgeable and principled learner.
  1. Follow international guidelines for acknowledging and referencing sources of information (See Appendix B APA 7th Edition Citation and Reference Format).
  1. Report integrity issues to teachers for proper management.
  1. Understand examples of academic misconduct and their consequences (Appendix A).
  1. Understand, adhere to, and sign the Academic Integrity Code whenever required. (Appendix B).

Academic Misconduct Investigation Procedure

The following flowchart describes the process in dealing with reports of academic misconduct. The Academic Integrity Committee is composed of representatives from the administration, student council, faculty, parents, and the MYP Coordinator. Ultimately, the committee decides based on the evidence of academic misconduct and imposes the corresponding and appropriate penalty following the matrix identified in Appendix A.

Appendix A

Types of Examples of Academic Misconduct and Penalties

Below are some of the academic misconduct offenses and their consequences. 

Academic Misconduct  First OffensePenaltySecond OffensePenaltyThird OffensePenalty
PlagiarismCopying from external sources or peers, lack of citation, or failure to give credit to sources of information Revise work to include credits, citation, or reference.Written warning with school interventionMarked zero on the work Suspension for up to three daysMarked zero on the work  Suspension for up to five days
Submitting work of another student instead of  own independent and unique answers or workMarked zero on the workWritten warning and parent conference with school interventionMarked zero on the work Suspension for up to three daysMarked zero on the work  Suspension for up to five days
CollusionExchanging verbal or written notes and sharing of answers  during exam Marked zero on the testWritten warning and parent conference with school interventionMarked zero on the test  Suspension for up to three daysMarked zero on the test  Suspension for up to five days
Commissioned work or work obtained through a third party such as AI and tutorsMarked zero on the workWritten warning and parent conference with school interventionMarked zero on the work Suspension for up to three daysMarked zero on the work  Suspension for up to five days
Submitting new work different from or not a product of the process designed by the  teacherRedo work under close supervision, following the process involved in the completion of workLose opportunity to submit work, zero mark on workand community serviceMarked zero on the work and community service

Other offenses including the grave or serious ones are identified with their corresponding penalties in the HCHS Student Handbook.

The administration of MYP eAssessment administration are governed by rules and regulations defined in the IBO’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Appendix B

Sample Academic Integrity Pledge

I, _________________,  recognize the importance of personal honor and integrity in all aspects of life and academic work. 

I commit myself to the principles of truthfulness, honesty, responsibility, and respect through which I earn the respect of others.

I understand that the school’s credibility depends on my ethical behavior.

I understand that the work I submit is the product of my own independent work which represents my development as a learner.

I have read and understand the consequences of academic misconduct  including plagiarism, collusion, receiving and giving unauthorized help, commissioning work, etc.

I affirm that the work I am submitting or will submit is all my own independent work.

My commitment obliges me to conduct myself according to the school’s Integrity standards  and understand the consequences of violations of the academic integrity policy.


Name and signature

Appendix C

High School Library Department APA 7th Edition

Citation and Reference Format

APA Format

A. The following are used as font style and font size; Times New Roman (12pt);

Georgia (11pt); Computer Modern (10pt); Calibri (11pt);

Arial (11pt); and

Lucida Sans Unicode (10pt).

B. The following are used for figure images may use Calibri (8–14pt);

Arial (8–14pt); and Sans Unicode (8–14pt).

C. The spacing should be double-spaced/ 2.0.

D. The margin should be 1 inch on top, bottom, and sides (left & right).

E. The text should be left-aligned, and the first line of each paragraph should be indented and no additional space after each paragraph.

F. On the title page, the title of the paper should be placed in the center and in bold. All of the first letter of each significant words should be capitalized or words with four or more letters long.

G. Each page of the paper should be paginated in the top right corner.

H. The references should be placed at the end of the paper. The word “References” should be centered and in bold. The references that are used in the paper should be in alphabetical order and in hanging indention.

Order of Components

The list below shows the proper order of the components of a paper when following the APA 7TH edition format.

1. Title Page

2. Abstract (if applicable)

3. Body of Paper

4. References

5. Footnotes (if applicable)

6. Tables (if applicable)

7. Figures (if applicable)

8. Appendices (if applicable)

In-text Citation Format

Type of CitationSignal PhraseParenthetical
One authorAuthor’s Last name (year)(Author’s Last name, year)
 Marqal (2021)(Marqal, 2021)
 Two authorsAuthor’s Last name and Author’s Last name (year)(Author’s Last name & Author’s Last name, year)
 Payne and Brindle (2013)(Payne & Brindle, 2013)
 Three or more authorsAuthor’s Last name’s Last name,year)
 Mitzner, (2019)(Mitzner,, 2019)
Group/institution authorInstitution(year)(Institution, year)
 National Museum (2021)(National Museum, 2021)
Group/institution author, abbreviation.Institution (abbreviation, year)(Institution [abbreviation], year)
 National Library of the Philippines (NLP, 2023)National Library of the Philippines (NLP, 2023)
Multiple worksAuthor’s Last name (year)and Author’s Last name, (year)(Author’s Last name, year; Author’s Last name year)
 Lee (2010) and McAdoo,(2006)(Lee, 2010; McAdoo, 2006)
No dateAuthor’s Last name (n.d.)(Author’s Last name, n.d.)
 Cooper (n.d.)(Cooper, n.d.)
No author (use title)Title (year)(Title, year)
 The Great (2000)(The Great, 2000)

Book References

Author Surname, First initial. (Year). Title in italics with first letter capitalized. Publisher. DOI if available (URL if there is no DOI and the book is electronic and not from a database).

A. Hard Copy (One Author, No DOI, Print Version)

Author Surname, First initial. (Year). Title in italics with first letter capitalized. Publisher.
Crain, H. (2023). The declaration. The Printing Press.

B. Hard Copy (One Editor, Edition Number, No DOI)

Author Surname, First initial. (Ed.) (Year). Title in italics with first letter capitalized (# ed).Publisher.
Simon, L.G.(Ed.). (2018). Guide to become a happy person (3rd ed.). The Independent Press.

C. Chapter in an Edited Book (One Author, Two Editors, DOI)

Author Surname, First initial. (Year). Title of the chapter. Editors (Eds.). Title in italics with first letter capitalized.(pp.). Publisher. DOI iFavailable (URL if there is no DOIand the book is electronic and not from a database).
Jose Rizal. (1996). Pilates. Raul L. Locsin & S.L. Lacson (Eds.).El Filibusterismo:Subversion. (pp. 56-69). Bookmark. https://hdb.fs/35154152524

D. Entry in an Encyclopedia/Dictionary (Hyphenated Author, No DOI, Print Edition)

Author Surname, First- initial. (Year). Title of the chapter. Editors (Eds.). Title in italics withfirst letter capitalized.(Vol. # , pp.). Publisher.
Berman, A-H. (2015). The collaboration between the two parties. B. Timothy & J. August(Eds.). The connection. (Vol 3. pp. 65-79). Bookstamp.

E. Electronic Book (One Author, No DOI, Republished Edition)

Author Surname, First initial. (Year). Title in italics with first letter capitalized. Publisher.Source (Original work published year)
Rowling, J. K. (2015). Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Pottermore Publishing. (Original work published 1997)

Class Handouts and Course Materials References

A. PowerPoint Slides

Name of creator. (Year). Title [Type of Material]. Name of site. URL
Lamster, J. (2019). Research Paper [PowerPoint slides].

B. Lecture Notes

Name of lecturer. (Date of lecture). [Descriptive title of notes]. Department, Institution. URL
Hastings, S. (2023, February 4). [Lecture notes on qualitative research]. Department ofEducation, University of Virginia.

C. Course pack (Reprinted From Another Source)

Original author. (Year). Title. In Instructor’s name (Ed.), Title of edited work (page range).Institution. (Reprinted from “Original title,” Year, Journal, Volume[Issue], page range, DOI)
Sebastian, H. (2016). Introduction to quantitative research. S. William (Ed.), The student’s guide to qualitative research (pp. 45-68). University of Virginia (Reprinted from ”Introduction to quantitative research” 2000, Research, 8[12], 52-48.http.//

Journal Article References

A. Article Retrieved in Hard Copy (Include the DOI if it is Available)

Author Surname, First Initial. (Year). Title of article being cited. Title of Journal, VolumeNumber italicized(Issue number), Page range of the article. DOI
Stenford, J. (2021). The planet Earth. National Geographic, 12 [6], 23-24.

B. Article Retrieved Online (Two Authors, DOI Available)

Author Surname, First Initial, & Author Surname, First Initial. (Year). Title of article being cited. Title of Journal, Volume Number italicized(Issue number), Page range of thearticle. DOI
Muhammad, I., & Cruz, G. (2019). The ancestral houses in the Philippines. Nationalpublication. 2[2], 56-59.

C. Article Retrieved Online (DOI is Not Available, Retrieved From a Database)

Author Surname, First Initial. (Year). Title of article being cited. Title of Journal, VolumeNumber italicized(Issue number), Page range of the article.
Rogers, A. (2004). Entrepreneurship and executive compensation: Turning managersinto owners. American International College Journal of Business. 2000(Spring), 46-58.

Newspaper Article References

Author Surname, First initial. (Year, Month Day). Title with the first letter capitalized. Title of Newspaper, Page(s) on which the article occurs separated by commas (if hard copy). URL (if online source)

A. Article in a Hard Copy Newspaper & Article That Occurs on Multiple Pages in a Hard Copy Newspaper

Author Surname, First initial. (Year, Month Day). Title with the first letter capitalized. Title ofNewspaper, Page(s) on which the article occurs separated by commas (if hard copy).
Skinner, S. (2023, April 4). Vacation spots in the holidays. The Philippines Inquirer, A1, A2.

A. Article in an Electronic Newspaper

Author Surname, First initial. (Year, Month Day). Title with the first letter capitalized. Title ofNewspaper, URL (if online source)
Skinner, S. (2023, April 4). Vacation spots in the holidays. The Philippines Inquirer, A1, A2.

Video References

A. Film

Director’s last name, First initial. (Director). (Year). Title [Type of video]. Studio.
Victor, L. (Director). (1990). Exploration of the deep sea [Film]. Metro Goldwyn Mayer.

B. Single Episode from a Television Series (Treated Like a Chapter in a Book)

Writers’ and Director’s names, First initial. (Role). (Year, Month Day). Title (Season number, Episode number) [Type of video]. In Executive producers’ names (ExecutiveProducers), Television Series. Studio.
Canada, L. (Writer), Stephen, O. (Writer), & Jean, C. (Director). (2006, October 1).Least favorite (Season 6, Episode 2) [TV series episode]. In A. Brendon (Executive Producer), The deception. Petunia Productions.

C. Video Clip Retrieved Online

Author Surname, First Initial or Screen Name. (Year, Month Day). Title [Type of video].Platform. URL
Maricar (2003, September 29). The youth [Video]. Youtube.

Website/Online Source References

A. Document/Page From a Website (One Author, Date Available)

Author Surname, First Initial. (Year, Month Day). Title of work. Website Name. URL
Peter, R. (2022, November 26). Bernard. National Museum.

A. Document/Page From a Website (Corporate Author Same as Website, No Date)

Author Surname, First Initial. (Year, Month Day). Title of work. Website Name. URL
Declaration Report: National. (n.d.). Declaration report. http://national.rep./jb52154sdg

B. Blog Post or Comment in an Online Forum (Author Full Name Available)

Author Surname, First Initial. (Year, Month Day). Title of post. Title of Blog in Italics. URL
Davidson, H. (2023, January 3). The requirements for revisions of identification: Id. Theeducational Blog.

Sources With More Than One Author

Two Authors

Author Surname, First initial. & Author Surname, First initial. (Year). Title in italics withfirst letter capitalized. Publisher.
Prince, I. & Brent, P. (2014). Different art form for students. The Public Press.

Three to Twenty Authors

Author Surname, First initial, Author Surname, First initial. & Author Surname, First initial.(Year). Title in italics with first letter capitalized. Publisher.
Domingo, C., Castillo, K. & Henua, O. (2016). The politics behind the politics. Law andBehavior.

Twenty-One or More Authors

List the first nineteen authors’ names, insert an ellipsis, and then add the last author’s name
Leung, W., Shaffer, C. D., Reed, L. K., Smith, S. T., Barshop, W., Dirkes, W., Dothager, M.,Lee, P., Wong, J., Xiong, D., Yuan, H., McCartha, S. R. & Elgin, S. C. R.(2009). The properties over 40 million years of evolution. G3 (Bethesda, Md.), 10(6), 19–30.


American Psychological Association. (2019).  Publication manual of the American Psychological Association .  American Psychological Association.

International Baccalaureate Organization.(2023). Academic integrity policy. Geneva: International Baccalaureate.
International Baccalaureate Organization. (2022). Effective citing and referencing. Geneva:  International Baccalaureate.