Adventures with my Family

Adventures with my Family

Family camping adventures offer a perfect way to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, allowing families to connect with nature and strengthen their family bonds. The “Adventures with my Family” held at River Ranch, Tanay, Rizal last November 29-30, 2024 was indeed a night to remember for HCHS families.

Whether setting up their sleeping tents or playing relay games, having a family devotion or wading in the river, roasting marshmallows and hotdogs or making s’mores by the campfire, parents and children enjoyed these “togetherness” experiences. Over the campfire, parents had an opportunity to verbally express their love and appreciation for their child, and pray over them. The family camping adventure is more than just a trip or a vacation; it is part of a chapter in our life journey that’s filled with love, laughter and lasting memories.

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