Couplet Poetry

<p><em>Prepared by Riolyn Ann Del Mundo</em></p> <p>This engagement is about creating Couplet Poetry. The students found out that poems are a piece of writing that uses words in an artistic way to express one’s feelings. Instead of paragraphs, poems are …</p>

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Punctuality Mind Map

<p><em>By:   Mrs. Jennifer M. Cruz</em></p> <p>Punctuality Mind Map is an activity that the students did in character education class. They are divided into groups of 4/5 and put as many words as they can of what punctuality means for them. …</p>

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Literature Map Presentation

<p><em>By: Ms. Micarl D. Abrantes</em></p> <p>One of the ways to organize the review of related literature is through creating a literature map. For this activity, the students were tasked to search for articles related to their research topics, and formulate …</p>

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TechVoc: Elevator Button Rehab

<p><em>By: Mr. Kim Samson </em></p> <p>Students in the Technical Vocation strand of the Senior High School Department were tasked to replace missing elevator buttons in the Alumni Building via 3D printing. </p> <p><img decoding="async" width="468px;" height="329px;" src=""/></p> <p>Students needed to take actual,...

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Chromatography Experiment

<p><em>By: Mr. William Robert Silva</em></p> <p>In this activity, students were expected to accomplish two learning objectives: </p> <ul class="wp-block-list"><li>Describe how chromatography works and what happens during this process to black or colored ink.</li><li>Explain why being able to separate solutions into their </li></ul>…

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Electrical Installation and Maintenance for Grade 8-10 TLE

<p><em>by Adrian Gabriel</em></p> <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="624" height="468" src=""/>In this activity, the Grade 8,9, and 10 students learned the proper procedure to remove the insulation of wires using wire stripper and pliers. This was a welcome exercise for the students who...

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Grade 5’s Unpacking of Central Idea

<p><em>by Vanessa Anne M. Rapisura </em></p> <p><img decoding="async" width="590" height="351.0242033004761" src=""/></p> <p>For our tuning in activity, the students were able to unpack the central idea by creating a mind map. Our central idea states that, “Economic activity relies on systems of production, exchange...

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Edible Cell Model

<p>For grade 11 STEM’s Biology class, their topic is centered around the cell and organelles. In order to introduce the task to the students, Mr Silva’s class was instructed to create a cell model using edible materials found in the...

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Chinese Filipino Business Club Inc. Donation

<p class="has-text-align-center"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="517" height="344" src=""/></p> <p>Hope Christian High School thanks the Chinese Filipino Business Club Inc. for donating helpful tools that will definitely aid the school in keeping students safe from dengue!…</p>

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