Chinese Filipino Business Club Inc. Donation

<p class="has-text-align-center"><img decoding="async" width="517" height="344" src=""/></p> <p>Hope Christian High School thanks the Chinese Filipino Business Club Inc. for donating helpful tools that will definitely aid the school in keeping students safe from dengue!…</p>

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Golden Batch ’97 Donation

<p class="has-text-align-center"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="512" height="341" src=""/></p> <p>Hope Christian High School thanks Golden Batch ’97, for its donation of Php. 300,000 for school development projects! Thank you for your generosity in giving back to your Alma mater. From left to right,...

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Book Donation

<p class="has-text-align-center"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" src="" width="619" height="413"/></p> <p>Hope Christian High School thanks Ms. Althea Besa of United World College in Singapore for this generous donation of books. The books were forwarded to Ms. Vicky Sycip Herrera who then distributed them to...

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Young Family Face Mask Donation

<p>Hope Christian High School thanks the generous Young family not only for their generous donation of face masks for the school but for also entrusting the education of their children, Eric, Eva, and Elena to our school.  …</p>

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